Worship & Praise Ministry & Serving

Every generation is involved in service at Trinity Fellowship church.  You are invited to serve as an usher, a greeter, audio visual committee member, praise team member and/or intercessory prayer team participant.  All of the congregants are invited each month to join in worship service, Bible Study, and nursing home visitation. Every year we sponsor numerous outreach activities to aid our community and our world. This year we sponsored projects to aid Charity Water, Soles For Souls, Pilgrim Inn and the Salvation Army.   


 CYPT is a small group discussion team that meets monthly to fellowship, discuss Christian topics and plan activities for the young people of the church.  In addition the CYPT group participates in worship and has formed a praise team to glorify God in music and other creative expressions. The group is currently reading and discussing topics taken from the Purpose Driven Life.

                        W O R S H I P  I S  L I V I N G  F O R  C H R I S T  E V E R D A Y

At Trinity Fellowship Church, faith in God and faith in each other are the conerstones of our ministry. It is what strengthens our commitment to the community, our neighbors, and our country. True worship requires each of us to live for Christ everyday. Our Sunday worship experience is filled with joyful songs and inspiring messages and prayers that fuel our continued worship throughout the week at home, at work, at school, in our communities and the world.